NuStart Wellness

  • Pain Management
1008 Porter Street
Columbia, MS 39429
(919) 349-1757
(601) 736-2581 (fax)

About Us

The AVACEN is a Class II cleared medical device helping people of all ages that are suffering with chronic pain such as Arthritis, Nephropathy, Fibromyalgia, Migraines or injury to eliminate their read more
  • About

    The AVACEN is a Class II cleared medical device helping people of all ages that are suffering with chronic pain such as Arthritis, Nephropathy, Fibromyalgia, Migraines or injury to eliminate their pain within 24-48 hours and or heal faster which allows them to get back to their daily life without the use of pain medication. (100% Holistic, Non-invasive with zero side effects) FYI: we don’t conflict with Doctors, Chiropractors or any other modality. The patented AVACEN Treatment Method is as entirely new conception in chronic pain treatment through muscular relaxation by bathing the skeletal muscles with warm oxygenated and nutritious blood.

  • Highlights

    • Pain Management
    • Medical
    • Wellness
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